Last Friday I posted another poll HERE. Below are the results. Sorry that the data is tiny and difficult to read, but there’s a video below as well.
In summary, I have a bit more male readers than female readers, most of my readers are just lifters looking to get results, followed by personal trainers. My readers are primarily concerned with their physique/aesthetics, followed by strength. More of my readers fall into the 10+ years of training category than any other category, indicating that my readers are very experienced. My readers tend to train 3 or 4 times per week and prefer full body training followed by lower/upper splits.
The deadlift is my readers favorite exercise (followed by the squat then the hip thrust), and it’s also the most dangerous exercise for my readers (followed by the squat and good morning). The hip thrust was chosen as the least dangerous exercise of the group.
The Hip Thruster is the best way to do the hip thrust – stable and versatile!
The hip thrust swept all glute exercise categories; it was chosen by over 1,700 voters to be the favorite glute exercise, the glute exercise that created the most tension/activation, the glute exercise that created the most pump/burn/metabolic stress, and the glute exercise that created the most damage/soreness. The barbell glute bridge was voted second for tension and metabolic stress, whereas the lunge was voted second for damage.
My readers prefer learning about general strength training information, followed by glute information, followed by more technical sports science information.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll! Here’s a video where I further discuss the results:
Even as a reader, this was pretty cool information. Interesting to see what goals other people focus on the most, and also helpful to know how people approach certain exercises. I will keep these thoughts in the back of my head while working with my personal training clients.
Oh yeah, 100% with you on lunges (specifically barbell reverse or walking variations) creating the most muscle damage/soreness in the glutes. Surprising to me that more people don’t feel the same way! However, I’d assume that more people are more comfortable going heavy with hip thrusts than they are with heavily loading a dynamic single-leg movement. I typically perform reverse lunges with an anteriorly loaded barbell and aim for maximum range of motion. Maybe it’s the slightly slow eccentric (lowering into the lunge cautiously to prevent banging a knee on the floor) that creates more muscle damage? Can’t be sure about it, but it seems logical.
Nice work Bret.
Good point Steven! I used to do walking lunges with 225 lbs up and down the gym…most people use bodyweight or light db’s. Using full ROM certainly will add to the damage. But again, it’s important to realize that we’re all unique. Both my glutes and adductors get destroyed from walking lunges, but my long-term training partner doesn’t feel them much the following day (and he goes heavier than I do). He gets sore from hip thrusts, and I never do (even though I get a huge burn and glute pump). Cheers, BC
Great poll, I hope you do more. The only thing I didn’t like was you couldn’t choose multiple answers, like on the questions about why I look at the site (I’m here for glutes, strength info, and technical science stuff), what background (I’m a lifter a strength coach and part time personal trainer) and training goals as well.
I really like the site keep up the good work. By the way I’m eighteen and am currently a high school football s&c coach and an aspiring crossfitter with a (heavy) strength bias. I’ve worked up to 235 lbs on barbell glute bridges and climbing. I’ll be graduating to the hip thrust as soon as I plateau, love this stuff!
No you keep up the good work Logan! 18 and reading blogs of popular S&C coaches…you’re well ahead of your peers my friend. Great to see this as so many youngsters just rely on what their coaches taught them or what a certain bodybuilder or powerlifter said in a magazine article.
Interesting to see how your other readers think and feel! I am just winding down week 2 of your Strong Curves program so I’m learning about all of your fantastic glute and lower body exercises and progressions – and I do LOVE the hip thrust!! I also really like the deadlift and walking lunges, but get the best pump and activation from the thrust. Thanks for all of your hard work and putting out such great information in a way anyone can read and follow it. I can’t wait to compare my starting and week 12 photos/stats.
I would love to hear your assessment of using a supinated grip for HT. I tried this as per the coaching video you posted, and I think it is an improvement (engage the lats; switch the load transfer from lower back to abs; result is an immediate weight increase [10%?!?]; etc).
I recently tried it and didn’t feel any difference. Might be my body type. I like the way it looks, and it makes sense that supinating would be better for lats which would be better for glutes, but I’m going to continue with the traditional route as this feels more comfortable on my upper back against the pad. That said, I like for others to try different methods and figure out what works best for them. Seems like you like the new way better, so good for you (and thanks to Sparta for thinking that up)!
Well where/what exactly, is and, too, if you would direct me to that supinated grip for H/T?
A description, or something like that?
Wayne, see the very last video on this post below:
Loved seeing the results – thank you for this interesting poll!
Great Post. Interesting to note that most people love the deadlift but also find it the most dangerous. I’m trying to look at more S&C coaches and would like to know who/what you recommend.
Thanks for the posts,
Tons of good folks to follow Ben, I don’t want to mention people right now as I’m sure I’d leave a bunch out. I should address this in a future blogpost.
Hi Bret! I’ve been a loyal reader and follower to your blog and the hip thrust now for 4 years, silently. I’ve been doing the hip thrust since I’ve become a reader to your blog and I’ve seen tremendous results. I am forever thankful to your scientific work and studies behind not only the hip thrust but the contribution to your emg studies. You are an awesome force to the fitness community and I hope you continue to enlighten us with your findings.
Awesome Freddy!!! Thanks for the kind words 🙂