Here are some testimonies, photos, and before/after pics of my favorite clients that I’ve helped over the past twenty years as a personal trainer and fitness writer.
I first started weight training in 2013. After suffering from bulimia in my early 20s, my body shape was pretty pencil like. I did a lot of cardio, so I really did have a A pancake bum! When I started training with weights when I was 25, I noticed I had pretty strong legs for a girl and I was soon squatting over the 100kgs, leg pressing 400kg. My bum grew slightly but it was my legs that were getting huge.
When I competed for the first time in November 2013, I noticed a girl with amazing glutes. I asked her how she had managed to grow her booty so much – she just said google bret contreras and thank me later. And since then I’ve never looked back. I bought the strong curves book, downloaded the advanced technique PDF and stalked Bret’s Instagram daily. Three years later, I have a pretty sizeable booty.
I think it’s about 7 inches in total in 3 1/2 years that I’ve managed to put on my bum. I’ve gone from a 36 inch booty to a 42/43 inch booty. I am quad dominant and so all his workouts are brilliant. Frog hip thrusts have become my new best friend – I do them constantly!! I have PBd at 200kg for 2 reps on hip thrusts and I swear by this exercise for developing glutes!
I get a lot of compliments on my ass now but I am constantly working on improving it. I train glutes 3/4 times a week and will always incorporate Bret’s training and methods. Whenever anyone asks about how I have grown my glutes I point them in his direction!!! I am forever thankful for finding him on social media! My bodyshape has completely changed and I absolutely love having a good booty!!!
Follow Roxy on Instagram HERE.
Hi Bret! Thank you for all that you do in the world of glute building! I’ve been into fitness and weight training for as long as I can remember. I loved the idea of shaping and sculpting the body like a piece of art, and in particular, I always wanted to build better glutes.
I was always very self-conscious of my glutes, and despite over a decade of doing squats and lunges and more squats, and more lunges, I never got them to a point where I felt like would be happy to show them in public. After all those years of working on them, I still covered up in shorts at the beach.
In 2012 I decided to bite the bullet and compete in my first Fitness Model competition. Despite training really hard and being very lean, I still hated my glutes and my biggest fear was the quarter turn to rear! The moment I got off stage, I vowed to build my glutes once and for all. I just didn’t know how I was going to do it.
A friend put me onto you and I started devouring all of your articles. I incorporated a bodyweight hip thrust and a light glute bridge into my regime, and whilst I felt my glutes working very well, after a while it wasn’t really enough to challenge my muscles to make a significant change. I wasn’t pushing myself with them and I wasn’t doing enough variety in my training.
Leading up to my competition in 2013 I saw that you released your book Strong Curves. I snapped it up about a month before hitting the stage that year and vowed to begin the program the week my competition was over. And that’s what I did.
I started with the beginner program, because I really wanted to take things back to basics and learn how to recruit my glutes properly. Within weeks, I was already seeing a change in their shape, especially the roundness at the top. I progressed my way through the book and through the exercises over the coming months and was amazed at the changes I had made. I added an extra 2.5 inches to the size of my glutes over about a 6 month period. And they have since continued to grow, change shape and get better and better. And I’m not done yet.
I have developed an insatiable desire to grow my glutes and learn as much about glute training as I can. I think I am just about as obsessed with glute training as you are!
And I can honestly say building my glutes has changed my life. I have so much more confidence in my physique now, I’m doing better at my competitions, I’m getting well knows for my glutes, my clients for my fitness coaching business has increased and wearing a bikini with pride is definitely not an issue any more!
I’ve included some recent photos of my glutes and a 2 year, 8 month apart comparison . The first photo was my first competition, and I didn’t start doing Strong Curves till about a year later. So the transformation is mostly within a 1 year, 8 month time period.
I can’t thank you enough for creating the Strong Curves book, and for all the free info you put out there on your website and your Facebook page. Between the three of them, there’s enough information for me to keep learning about glutes for the rest of my life!
I’m forever grateful! Melissa
Follow Melissa on Instagram HERE.
Bret’s Hip Thruster bench has played a huge role in my glute gains. Not only have I incorporated the exercise into all my leg workouts, but the Hip Thruster bench has helped me get the perfect form to utilize the correct muscles. All conversations with Bret are always interesting and informative! He really is THE glute guy!
Follow Jessie on Instagram HERE.
Bret Contreras is the guru of glutes! I am 5’7 120-124lbs, hip thrusting 245lbs high reps and as much as 370lbs. I would have never even known I was capable of building enough strength to ever accomplish that! He has helped me achieve so much over the last couple of months, changing my overall appearance and building insane strength! I have gone from what others have referred to as a “peach butt” to a shaped booty that’s hard as a rock! Aside from being a great trainer, Bret is also a great teacher. The amount of time he has dedicated to learning as much as he can about glutes is just astounding! I love being able to come to him with a question knowing he’ll have a good answer that’s backed with scientific support. The picture above shows just six months of progress, and during this time I got so much stronger at hip thrusts, dumbbell back extensions, heavy kettlebell deadlifts, lever machine squats, and more. Thanks Bret!
Follow Sammie on Instagram HERE.
Bret is a known for turning a normal backside into a great set of glutes. I’ve heard people singing his praise saying he’s the best. I decided to take my training more seriously which led me to stalk his blog and online articles. I then purchased his book, Strong Curves, and within a few weeks of following the Gorgeous Glutes program I noticed strength gains and changes in the mirror. Until coming across Bret’s material, I had not seen such dramatic changes, in my glutes and overall physique.
After setting some goals for myself, I reached out to Bret for a little feedback. Not only did he take the time to share his knowledge, he’s now helping train and educate me. He’s easy to get along with, but he’s very alert so bad form will never pass!
It’s easy to put a person through a workout, make them fail, or cripple them for days. That’s not the best or safest way to train- Bret has helped me realize that. He’s taken the time to figure out what works for me. Exercise selection is so important, so having a biomechanics specialist is amazing. I am making strength gains without feeling over trained or constantly sore- something I never thought possible.
Thanks Bret!
Follow Erin on Instagram HERE.
I was always hesitant to work with a trainer because all I’d ever seen was what went on in commercial gyms, or what my fellow figure athletes trained like. I didn’t want either of those methods. However, I was at a stagnate point in my own training and muscle growth seized to exist.
After reading several of Bret’s articles on T-Nation, I contacted him about training. He wrote back immediately and provided a greatly detailed and encouraging answer. We began working together in April 2009, and after 1 month I saw immediate results.
My shape was more symmetrical, my strength went up, and I was losing fat already. Bret introduced new methods of training that allowed me to train less often, and perform less exercises, sets and reps during training. I no longer overtrained with supersets, giant sets, or steady-state cardio.
Three months into our program I didn’t even look like the same person. He’d taken my small ectomorph frame and packed on tons of quality lean muscle in all the right places. Not only that, but my weight never once changed. This meant I was burning fat and adding that much more muscle.
Bret and I were both surprised with my results. During our initial meeting, he was honest and upfront when I told me he thought I needed a few years of muscle maturation before I stepped on the figure stage again. It seemed we accomplished in 3 months what would have otherwise taken 3 years.
My hamstrings developed immensely, my glutes were rounded and solid, and I put size on my upper body for the first time. I actually had enviable arms!
Bret doesn’t just train his clients and athletes, he educates them. He provided me with incredible tools that allowed me to test and try new methods, all while educating my friends and family about the some of the most effective methods of training.
He always answered my questions with thought, encouraged me through rough spots, and complimented my results. Bret’s professionalism and knowledge are unmatched in the female training industry. I encourage anyone looking for real results, education, and confidence in coaching to work with Bret.
Follow Kellie on Instagram HERE.
I thought I was blessed in the glute department and never really felt the need to do anything specific to train them… all I wanted to be stronger and leaner. When I discovered Bret’s site, I was blown away by the type of training methods he prescribed for his female clients. This was EXACTLY the type of bad-ASS training I wanted to do!! After a couple of years of doing mostly Kettlebell Training, I began applying Bret’s Training ARSEnal and what happened was pretty darn impressive…
I went from this (before) to this (after). Now I am blessed beyond measure 🙂 Thank you Bret!
Follow Marianne on Instagram HERE.
I really like Bret Contreras’s approach to glute training. In Brazil, we make sure to train the glutes with multiple exercises and high volume and frequency. For some reason, many coaches seem to just recommend the squat for building the glutes, which isn’t optimal just by itself. Bret is the first American trainer I’ve come across who espouses the same methods we employ in Brazil, and he is very knowledgeable and scientific. Bret even managed to teach me some exercises I wasn’t familiar with, which is saying a lot since we Brazilians know our glute training! Thanks Bret for all your hard work and devotion to the glutes!
Follow Nathalia on Instagram HERE.
Training with Bret for my transition from body part split training to total body training has exceeded my expectations. I really enjoy working with Bret. He’s very responsive to my questions and concerns, he makes sure that my form is great to ensure my safety. He puts time and effort into my program and modifies it for me and any of my quirks. He’s professional and KNOWS his stuff. I don’t get to train with Bret hands on and that says a lot about someone who can communicate via email and text! My changes have been drastic in just 3 short months and I can’t wait to see more. I highly recommend Bret to anyone looking to have a serious training program!
Follow Tawna on Instagram HERE.
Working with Bret has been one of the best training experiences of my competing career. He is not only extremely skilled and knowledgable in effectively training the female physique, he is empathetic and encouraging throughout the process. I’ve progressed both physically and mentally working with Bret. If you have the opportunity to work with him, do not pass it up!
Follow Karey on Instagram HERE.
Hey Bret! Just wanted to send you a quick before and after update on my current glute/hammy progress! The first pic is a year ago (no booty, sad sad day haha) and the next two are from my competition this past weekend where I placed 2nd at the biggest show in the NW!
I’ve been using all your tips mainly barbell hip thrusts, SO much with bands, 45 degree hypers and your burnout glute workouts you post! Leading up into this prep I actually hit my glutes everyday and didn’t sissy it at all! I love it so much. As I was starting into peak week I didn’t want to be sore for posing so I did bands everyday so that as I was depleting I wouldn’t lose the booty and it worked!
I am the crazy band lady in the gym haha! Ah I’m so excited to see my results and am even more excited to see what I’ll look like in 8 weeks as I gear up to compete for nationals in July! I will definitely send you pics then! I seriously owe it all to you, I’ve turned into a nerd reading all your science on the glutes and I love it! It has changed my entire regimen and I don’t know what I would do with you!!
Excited for the future in the industry and what’s ahead! One day I will be in Arizona and train with you!!! SO many people have complimented my new gains and are impressed and asking how I’ve made such great progress, it seriously comes back to all I have learned from you!
PS – I have the ever sought after “glute hammy-tie in” now!! (But we know there is no such thing there are glutes and there are hammies this I learned from the best.) Only getting better fuller and rounder!!
Follow Adrienne on Instagram HERE.
After many years of working out, and getting questionable results, I started working with Bret…..and noticed an incredible change! Women are literally coming up to me in the gym, and asking me what exercises I do to firm up my glutes. Before I started working with Bret this never happened, he’s not called the Glute Guy for nothing! Thanks Bret, I’m looking forward to summer this year. 🙂
Follow Megan on Instagram HERE.
I contacted Bret specifically for help with my hip thrust and to make sure I was doing it correctly. Little did I know he would help me in so many other areas as well. I thought I was a somewhat experienced lifter since I have been lifting since high school but he ended up tweaking things a bit and teaching me the correct way to position myself to get the maximum benefit out of each lift. I have had so many trainers in the past and in only a few sessions I’ve accomplished what NO OTHER trainer has done in years!! My booty looks the best it has ever looked and my husband can attest to that!! It sounds crazy to get results that fast but I did!! Thank you Bret, you truly are the best!!!
Follow Alli on Instagram HERE.
Health and fitness has been part of my everyday life for over 15 years. I even worked in the fitness industry as a personal trainer for a number of years. Of all the trainers I have hired, and all of the trainers I have worked with, I have never worked with a fitness professional who is as knowledgeable and as passionate as Bret. He genuinely cares about his clients’ progress, more so than I’ve seen from anyone in the industry. His focus is not only on helping clients reach specific goals, but he puts extra effort into making sure his clients walk away with knowledge that they can use for a lifetime. On top of all that, Bret helped take my glute development to a new level. He taught me ways to perform some key glute and leg exercises to protect my back since I tend to overarch with various movements which causes me pain. After working with Bret, I walked away looking and feeling better than I ever have. Bret is incredibly fun to work with and his passion is contagious!
Before I read Bret’s book I was a complete cardio queen. I never really cared about building muscle. I was solely concerned with being “skinny” and looking lean. Bret has opened my mind to an entirely different perspective on how important it is to have a strong lower body (esp. The Glutes!) I decided to give his method of Hip thrusting a try. After only a few months of thoroughly concentrating on my glutes I began noticing major changes. I felt as though my glutes literally inflated like a ballon. My boyfriend could barely even believe my own progress. I now have that perky bubble butt thanks to Bret! And not to mention I have reached Hip thrusting more than double my own body weight! I am happy to continue spreading Bret’s Glute Gospel! I have been told I have started a hip thrusting revolution at my gym thanks to Bret’s inspiration.
Follow Brittany on Instagram HERE.
In all the perusing of the internet I’ve done over the past three years trying to soak up as much knowledge about bodybuilding and powerlifting, never have I found one single person or site that covers more bases, and freely offers more research based information than Bret’s. And how lucky are we that it just so happens to be on how to improve our glutes! The information that Bret puts out influences my daily training approach and has allowed me to create a body that I literally never thought possible. Every time a newsletter or post pops up from Bret I’m paying attention and continue to learn. I look forward to the progress that the next few years will bring thanks to Bret and the hip thrust revolution! I’m currently training for my first power lifting meet and am definitely feeling stronger! Thanks!
Follow Casey on Instagram HERE.
When I started my fitness journey and personal training I was reading as much as possible to learn about biomechanics. Strong Curves was one of those books and I could not put it down! I had been struggling to build my glutes for years, not really knowing what exercises would target best. I knew this book was the answer for me and I immediately started incorporating some of the exercises into my routine. I started seeing results within just a few weeks! With the help of Strong Curves I completely transformed my body – not only in terms of physique but strength as well. Bret is incredibly knowledgeable and a huge inspiration of mine. He is unquestionably “The Glute Guy”.
Follow Sasha on Instagram HERE.
I reached out to Bret from Rhode Island after becoming bored with my usual inconsistent work out methods. Generally I would try new things , but lacked any sort of structure or goals. A combination of running, boxing, body weight exercises and DVD sets was typical. This, in combination with a fairly healthy diet maintained my body and shape. I wanted to however take things to the next level, challenge myself more, set goals, become stronger and tighter, and focus more on glutes and lower body. Also, being a mother in my late thirties I wanted more than ever to have my body look and feel better than ever.
When I sent before photos to Bret, he thought that I had a good foundation, but promised me that if I followed his lead, I would look better. But my life is crazy hectic. I work full time, juggle motherhood and life like we all do. I promised I would give it 110%, however there were a few things I made clear. My life did not allow for me to go to the gym, I had a very small budget, I could not spend hours a day on workout, and I did not want to loose my curves! Bret agreed and gave me a very small list to items to gather. Bands, weight plates, a bench, 25lb weight, squat sponge and a barbell. He said not to purchase a Hip Thruster and instead sent me a link to one of Sohee videos in which she “Macgyvered” one together using items she had. I was going to make this happen, but it had to be cheap. No bells, no whistles. Just the basics – Rocky Balboa style… I purchased around 300lbs of loose weight plates off Craigslist for $5.00 for the whole lot!! They were very rusty, but a wire brush and Rustolium paint did the trick.. The barbell was from a flea market $3.00 . The bench was around $20, the bands and squat sponge were relatively cheap online, the hex dumbell $10 at a yard sale. I was on my way. I promised Bret I would make no excuses – I was ready.
My first instructions were to complete 20 minute workouts, 5 days a week, getting instruction from video links as well as Facetime sessions with Bret. Thrusts were a new experience to me, but oh did I feel the burnin my glutes! It was a great feeling to work muscles in a way I never did before. I sent Bret videos so he could critique my form. The first week my body was sore!! It was crazy.. But shortly after that an amazing thing happened, I was no longer in pain days after workouts. I trusted Bret fully but was a tad bit confused as to why I was able to sit on the toilet without cringing the day after working out my lower body… I always thought that No Pain = No Gain…But I was wrong. My body was responding well to five days a week of lower body training. Long gone were the days of being in crippling pain days after a day of squats and lunges. I felt stronger and I was actually working out less than ever. And although, I was not targeting any other body part, I felt my core and upper body getting leaner and stronger. I continued to take progress photos and at the six week mark was already getting results.
Bret then switched it up. Hip thrusts and reverse lunges three days a week, medium loads on day one, heavy on day two and lighter load on day three. Then a 20 minute band workout after each session. I also used my make-ship Hip Thruster on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every day I was getting stronger and more and more focused – and my booty was looking better than even in a bikini.
The next change will happen this week. Another 3 day a week combination of glue bridges, reverse lunges, different hip trust variations, goblet squats, Romainian deadlifts , Bulgarian squats, braced single leg RDLs, and seated hip abductions. Also light band work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I love switching it up. It keeps things interesting and keeps my body challenged.
I will definitely keep following Brets methods. I am so excited to see my results in a year! At 4’10” , I am leaner than ever, but have been able to still keep my curves! I do not know my BMI, body fat %, or current weight, but the way my clothes fit is AMAZING! The photos shown here do not give any justice. Although I did this for myself and myself ONLY, it does not get old getting butt compliments from strangers !
Rhode Island is on the opposite end of Bret and his Glute Lab, but he still made me feel like he was just around the block, guiding me through facetime, text and phone. And the cool thing about Bret is that as intelligent he is, he was never intimidating, never made me feel beneath him. I do not have a degree in any science, nutrition or fitness related field. Do not know most of the terminology that floats around gyms or the technical stuff that Bret writes about in his studies. All I knew was that I was going to do exactly what Bret prescribed, no bullshit, no excuses.. I was going to get the job done!
As I continue on this journey, I hope that one day I can actually physically meet Bret at the Glute Lab. What a great mentor, and new friend. (It would also be cool to stand next to him since I am not even 5 feet tall … haha) . My story proves that you do not need much time, fancy workout clothes or expensive gym memberships to reach your fitness goals. You dont have to be a youthful 20 year old … You just have to want it bad enough.. and do it!
So thank you Bret for what you have taught me. Thank you for not having a big ego, and for taking a chance and believing that I could succeed!
Training with Bret was an amazing experience. He had me doing chin ups, push ups, and tons of glute exercises. My glutes were so shapely that I got attention everywhere I went, and my conditioning was incredible. Bret’s system made me feel strong and confident. More women should train with Bret’s system. If they did, their bodies would be much happier!
Follow Lizzy on Instagram HERE.
I really enjoyed my experience training with Bret and obtained amazing results. His passion for strength training and his knowledge of the human body is remarkable. I learned many new exercises and I can say without a doubt that I was the strongest I have ever been after following Bret’s program. My legs and butt have never looked better, and I was extremely pleased with the results.
Follow Katie on Instagram HERE.
Before I started training with Bret I had no idea that I had the ability to have a great looking butt. He taught me how to really activate my glutes during all the lower body exercises, and he did an excellent job of training my entire body to transform and take on a new shape. I’d tried different things in the past, but nothing even came close to the response my body had to Bret’s strength training program.
After years of poor nutrition and lots of HIIT cardio, I realized I was not getting the muscular curves I desired by the training methods I was using. I signed up for Bret’s program, Get Glutes, in January 2013. Bret convinced me to focus on getting stronger, keep a good diet, and drop my excessive cardio. My body transformed in ways that I never thought possible – I now have a voluptuous bum that is super-strong and keeps on growing each month. I have also lost a ton of body fat. Bret has taught me how to train smart; I know now that while I do have to train hard, I don’t have to kill myself in the gym in order to see the results I desire. Without Bret’s methods and mentoring I would still be the insecure woman I once was with little to show for all of her efforts in the gym – thank you Bret!
Follow Kristen on Instagram HERE.
Bret has been my go-to guy for anything to do with biomechanics, any research and anything to do with the glutes for the past 6 years. I have learned so much from him and continue to do so. He is an industry game changer and can has certainly mastered his craft of building some beautiful booty’s worldwide!
Follow Rachel on Instagram HERE.
I’ve worked out with many trainers before who didnt know how to train the body of a fashion model. Until working out with Bret did I truly understand the potential of my own strength and body appearance! His knowledge combined with his personable character encouraged my work outs and taught me how to engage my glutes, which resulted in a better more fit and firm me!
Follow Sam on Instagram HERE.
As years past I realized that my backside no longer looked as perky as it used to. It appeared flabby and soft. After working with Bret, I noticed immediate results and earned back the amazing booty that I had in my younger years. Thank you Bret!
Being genetically challenged on my backside, it’s been an area I’ve tried to build for years. Before training with Bret, my squat formed sucked and I never did deadlifts for the fear of looking like I didn’t know what I was doing. In the year I’ve been working with Bret, my hip circumference has increased and my strength has gone up considerably. 365lb hip thrust and a 200lb deadlift? I never thought I would throw up numbers like that…NEVER! After all the years I’ve been lifting! Best part of working with Bret is that he recognizes your strengths and motivates you to accelerate in them. Ladies (and gents too) if you want to build strength and look aesthetically pleasing, Bret will get you there!
Follow Mary on Instagram HERE.
It has almost been 1 year since I started training with Bret and I honestly wish I would have started much sooner. When I met Bret and he invited me to train with him I repeatedly turned him down as I “didn’t want to get bulky.” Bret promised and swore to me no such thing would happen, but I was skeptical. I could not have been more wrong. I am in the very best shape of my life and I am stronger, healthier and more confident than ever. I am amazed at how different I look despite the fact I am within 5lbs of my starting weight. For the first 3-4 months I was training twice a week and now I am training 3 times weekly. I have been so happy with my progress that 2 months ago I bought a HipThruster of my own and do some band work 5-6 days a week.
Prior to starting with Bret I had never lifted a barbell or done any heavy weight training. I have never been coordinated or a naturally good athlete. Bret was patient with me and spent so much time working on form and proper techniques. If something didn’t feel right or I wasn’t comfortable doing it Bret would change the workout. He is so passionate and dedicated to health, fitness, strength and safety while still encouraging me to do my best and to develop the most beneficial program for my goals. In 1 year of training with heavy weights I have never been injured, thanks to Bret. When I started I struggled with 50lb goblet squats, but now with Bret’s encouragement and training program I am back squatting 190lb and hopefully more soon.
Running was my workout prior to starting with Bret, I averaged 3 runs a week and believed that was the only way I could stay thin and “look good.” I can tell you in the last year I have run a max of 20 times and know I look thinner and better than before. Bret has helped dispel so many myths about weight training and fitness for me. He is such an asset to the fitness industry and to science. He is constantly performing and reviewing research to keep the most up to date with everything fitness.
Over the past year Bret has not only been my trainer and biggest supporter but he has also become one of my closest friends. Anyone who comes in contact with Bret for more than 10 minutes can hear his passion about fitness; it is hard to be around him and not want to train with him. Thank you Bret for everything you have done for me. You have taught me more in 1 year about health and fitness than I had learned in the prior 10+. You have made a life long lifter out of me and I know if or when the day comes that I don’t train with you, I will be able to keep up my goals because of everything you have taught me.
I’ve known Bret for over three years now, and during that time, he’s become my mentor, coach, and also my friend. I don’t know that there’s a more genuine, passionate fitness professional in the industry who wants nothing more than to spread sound, science-backed information about training around the world.
When it comes to glutes, here’s your guy — that much is clear. But he’s also your guy when it comes to hustling and producing quality content.
I owe much of my professional success to him. He’s heavily influenced my thoughts on program design and training in general. Every time I’ve reached out to him for help, he’s been more than generous with his time.
As I write this, I am one week away from my first powerlifting meet that Bret has been coaching me prep for over the past 18 weeks. I’ve put on 50lbs on my squat, 20lbs on my bench, and 70lbs on my deadlift — even after seven years of lifting experience under my belt. We’ll be heading straight into a bikini prep once this is done, and there’s no one else I’d rather have train me for that as well.
Follow Sohee on Instagram HERE.
As a woman and as an athlete, I have very high standards for my workouts as I expect them to be effective, challenging, fun, and oh ya, EFFECTIVE! I am always skeptical of new programs as I’ve tried everything out there (P90X, marathon training, crossfit, yoga, you name it) and Bret’s workout routines blew me away. I can honestly say I was shocked at how lean my body got, how incredible my legs and backside looked, and how much I enjoyed the lifts. I wasn’t killing myself with hours of cardio, I wasn’t getting bored doing the same thing over and over, and I was having fun and seeing incredible results. I receive so many compliments on my rear now, it’s awesome! I do the exercises Bret taught me wherever I go and I have so much confidence in my legs and glutes. If more people did Bret’s program, this world would be a more BOOTYful place – I highly recommend it to anyone who is ready to finally see results they desire! Oh, but you’ll have to get over that stupid faux-hawk he wears…
I’ve always had a small frame and petite figure, specifically my glutes. I’ve gone to the gym most my life but didn’t see many results, likely because I didn’t know what I was doing. After training with Bret, even after only a couple of weeks or so, I noticed results. I felt myself getting stronger. Personally, I was really focused on the glutes. Bret had me focus on a lot of one leg exercises: hip thrusts with or without weight, lunges, Bulgarian split squats. I was becoming increasingly stronger, and with that, my glutes and overall frame took on much more definition. I looked and felt the healthiest I ever had – at the age (27) where friends my age were beginning to struggle with added weight. And I finally had the butt I didn’t think possible to have! Now I use the strength training techniques and exercises in my work out routine and have maintained the physique I want. I have come to respect strength training in achieving my desired body image.
They say a picture is worth 1000 words. Well if that’s the case, then the picture below yells out 1000 reasons why EVERY woman should lift weights. It showcases my results from working with glute specialist, Bret Contreras for about a year. I met him at one of his seminars last year and he honestly changed my life. I’ve followed his blog for years and I have implemented a lot of his protocols, but when I met with him, everything clicked. We started working hands on with eachother and he helped me transform dramatically.
I have been told my entire lifting career that “squats and deadlifts are the only way to build a butt,” yet all I kept experiencing was a larger core, huge quads, with no hamstring development and the flattest butt possible. Those movements are extremely awkward for me, no matter how perfect my form looks. So when I met Bret, he taught me to go by intuition and how movements FEEL. He also taught me how to fire my glutes and develop a muscle-mind connection. Slowly but surely, I got stronger and my posture dramatically changed once my posterior muscles grew. I now have a lower back arch, my upper body is in proper alignment, and I actually have a butt!!!!! I am also 30 lbs heavier in the second picture 😉
I also cannot believe how strong I’ve gotten throughout this process. I started with 60lbs on the hip thrust and have maxed out at 300lbs. I can now do working sets of 225 for 4×10+ with no problem. But what I am most proud of is my overall strength increase due to my posterior development.
Albeit our constant sarcastic bickering, Bret is the real deal and truly one of a kind. I have never met someone more passionate about helping others and someone who genuinely loves his clients as much as Bret does. He is extremely hands on and really pays attention to every movement and he also pays excellent attention to how his clients feel.
I recommend EVERYONE checking out Bret’s blog, his books, and his social media. Through our time together, I have grown the most physically and mentally and I will never be able to thank Bret enough for his willingness to help!
Follow Deanna on Instagram HERE.
I began following Bret’s programming with Get Glutes and later Strong by Bret in Spring 2015 and I can honestly say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
I quickly realized after subscribing to his program that these challenging yet enjoyable workouts were delivering the results I had sought for years with cardio and crash dieting in a relatively short amount of time.
Over the course of a year, I was able to lose fat and build muscle with three incredibly well designed workouts per week and flexible dieting advice found on Bret’s website and in his book Strong Curves with co-author Kellie Davis.
As luck would have it, I am now Bret’s Administrative Assistant and the Administrator of Strong by Bret and I can tell you that my experience is not an anomaly. Many women of all ages are transforming their physiques, building beautiful backsides, and discovering a love of lifting with the help of his programming and the advice found on his website.
Bret may be known as The Glute Guy but his expertise extends far beyond derrières. I encourage any person interested in building serious strength and transforming their body to follow Bret closely and give his evidence-based programming a try.
If you want to learn from and train with the industry’s most innovative, passionate, and knowledgeable expert (and a PhD), he should most definitely be your go-to source!
Follow Maleah on Instagram HERE.
I’ve been training with Bret for the past 10 weeks and I’ve noticed a considerable change in the tone and appearance of my glutes. Not to mention my lower body and core are the strongest they have ever been! I’m so excited about the changes so far and the changes to come!!
I’ve been working with Bret Contreras for about 4 months now. When I started working with Bret I had what I like to call a Pancake Butt! This runs in my family so I figured I was just doomed to have this the rest of my life. Over the last four months Bret has worked with me and transformed my Glutes into amazing shape, Glutes that I’m proud to show off, Glutes I thought I’d never have!!!! My Friends and Family started noticing right away and were all very curious to know what I had been doing to achieve such amazing results so quickly… Not only has he made my Glutes look amazing, he has perfected my form making me more confident when I’m working out and helping tremendously with my strength and ability to perform multiple reps. His diverse training methods are challenging yet achievable and motivate me to push past my perceived limits. When I first came to Bret I could perform 3 Kettlebell dead lifts, Bret coached me on my form and worked with me every session to build up my strength now just four months later I’m up to 18, I’ve also went from 105 lb hip thrust to 195 lb hip thrust. When I leave training I know I have made great progress and am getting great results. Bret has truly earned his name as the “Glute Guy” he has mastered his craft and is by far one of the most knowledgeable trainers I have had the pleasure training with.
Follow Bret