Hi Fitness Peeps!
I have several things to share with you today.
1. Fitcast Interview with Yours Truly
Kevin Larabee from the Fitcast recently interviewed me. We discussed best rep ranges for hypertrophy, explosive training, training women, hip thrust regressions and progressions, knee dominant versus hip dominant ratios in programming, and more. Click HERE to listen to it – it’s around an hour long.
2. Muscle Activity During the Bench Press
Chris Beardsley wrote an awesome review of the bench press EMG literature HERE. If benching is your thing, then give this article a read.
3. A Day in the Life of Rich Froning
In my recent Crossfit podcast, I mentioned this Youtube video. The link had been taken down, but one of our listeners found a new link. This is a very intriguing video – you gotta respect Rich after watching this! If I were you I’d watch it over the next week as I suspect the link will be taken down eventually.
4. First Powerlifting Competition on Sunday!
Wish me luck – my comp is in three more days.
My goal several months ago was a 400 lb squat, 300 lb bench, 600 lb deadlift, and 1,300 total (and a 140 lb strict curl). To be honest, I don’t know what to expect. My squat, bench, and curl has been consistent, but my deadlift has been wacky – couldn’t budge 565 lbs last week. I need a miracle – hopefully my taper is fruitful.
I’ll keep y’all posted!
Good luck for Sunday Bret – SMASH IT!
Wow, all the best in your powerlifting competition. I’m going to enter my first one this July, myself. Going to do some daily squatting for a 16-week cycle to ready myself. What weight class will you be competing in?
Hey Bret, Comp has an interesting way of pulling everything out of you…Pun intended.
It’s just about control until you have to turn on ‘the switch’. You turn on the switch the moment you touch the bar. All Out, Bret!
Bret, on maximizing power production…I work with three pro MMA fighters.
I have them twice per week. We adhere to 1 day Heavy Strength Training (Wed) and 1 day Explosive Strength Training. Their scheduling allows only these two days for me to work with them and two of the athletes have fights on May 11. Would you continue with this strategy or would you consider combining both HST and EST on each of these training days. I appreciate your response brother! Matt
Best of Luck at your meet…. you have done all you can do…and as my mum would say Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye!