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The Strength of Evidence Podcast – Episode One

Hi Folks!

Welcome to episode #1 of The Strength of Evidence Podcast. Our first episode lays the ground-work for future episodes, as we discuss important topics such as the scientific method, what it means to be “evidence-based,” and logical fallacies. We will draw from these methodologies as we hash out topics pertaining to strength, conditioning, and rehabilitation in subsequent podcasts. Here is the link to the mp3:


Here are the show notes:

Purpose of the Podcast

  • Help teach critical thinking skills
  • Evaluate the evidence pertaining to various topics in fitness

About Us

  • About Jon
  • About Bret

What is Evidence-Based Decision Making?

“A systematic approach to the training of athletes and clients based on the current best evidence from peer-reviewed research and professional reasoning.” – English et al., SCJ, June 2012

  1. Develop a question
  2. Find evidence
  3. Evaluate the evidence
  4. Incorporate the evidence into practice
  5. Reevaluate the evidence

The Hierarchy of Knowledge

Portney & Watkins 2007

  1. The Scientific Method
  2. Logical Reasoning
  3. Trial and Error
  4. Authority
  5. Tradition

Logical Fallacies

  1. Ad Hominem
  2. Appeal to Authority
  3. Appeal to Fear
  4. Strawman
  5. Cherrypicking
  6. Hasty Generalization
  7. Red Herring
  8. Proof by Verbosity
  9. Nirvana Fallacy
  10. Bandwagon
  11. Anecdotal
  12. Confusing Correlation with Causation

Placebo Effect

“The beneficial effect in a patient following a particular treatment that arises from the patient’s expectations concerning the treatment rather than from the treatment itself.”

Pitfalls of Research

  1. Overgeneralization
  2. Limitations
  3. Methodology
  4. Sample Size
  5. Experimenter Effects
  6. Fudging/Fraud
  7. Confirmation Bias

Good Video: Science for Smart People

Last, we leave you with a video by Tom Naughton, where he discusses many similar topics that we did in our podcast. We think you’ll really enjoy it as he injects a good deal of humor into the presentation.

That’s all for episode #1. In episode #2, Jon and Bret will be discussing “To Squat or Not to Squat;” a popular debate in certain Strength & Conditioning circles.


  • DebbyK says:

    Thank you so much, Brett, for taking time to put this all together. This will, without doubt, prove to be invaluable to many. I can’t wait for the next podcast.
    You certainly go above and beyond the call of duty in providing valuable information to your tribe!
    What’s next!

  • Andy Morgan says:

    Good video? No, that’s an excellent video. The humour at the start isn’t to my taste but I wish the whole world to see it so people stop getting screwed by stupid news headlines. Thanks for sharing gents.

  • Kevin says:

    How do you get it from iTunes?

  • charlie says:

    I am now a Tom Naughton fan. That was the first time I have ever heard of him. One point on confirmation in science Versus falisfication of theories. These are two difference approaches, the confirmation part was advocated by Carl Hemple a philosopher. This approach suggest that science is an accumulation of facts. The Falsification approach is the position of Karl Popper. He states that to have a scientific theory is to have a theory that can be falsified and the job of science is to not collect facts, but to draw the distinction between what is scientific and what is philosophy.
    One last remark, when using the term scientific method we should understand the implications of that. Producing scientific theories about claims in exercise can be diverse as represented by schools of thought, without being totally nonsensical and outside the realm of crazy relativism implying that anyone’s ideas on exercise are just as good as anyone else.

  • Cédric says:

    I promote as much as I can your work on french forums and with well-known french authors on strengh training.

    Podcast is a great new step.


  • Ted says:

    Bret, bro, you use the term “science” more often than the functional training crowd uses their beloved term “functional”. LOL

    Thanks for the podcast, will be listening to it later. 🙂

  • Looking forward to listening to this one.

    I think the placebo effect is freaking amazing! Did you know that drug companies are having a harder time getting drugs approved since the placebo effect is getting BIGGER over time; thus making a comparison to placebo much harder.

    rock on
    Mike T Nelson PhD(c)

  • Daniel says:

    Continue to do these, very enjoyable and informative.

  • Tom says:

    Really enjoyed the podcast, looking forward to the next one.

    I study a lot of nutrition and metabolism and i’m appalled by how much bad science there is in the field (lipid hypothesis, china study, red meat etc)

  • Donna says:

    Working in a natural health care facility you hear a lot of unreliable information. A colleague recently tried to tell me she could tell I was in pain because my veins were sticking out. No joke. I am concerned by the lack of critical thinking applied by many professionals and even more concerned about the misinformation passed along to the masses. Thanks for helping the critical thinking skills sharp. This was a very nice reminder!

  • Naomi Most says:

    Wow! Terrible sound quality, great content. 🙂

  • Greg says:

    Great pod cast, hope the audio improves. When’s #2?

  • Richard says:

    The podcast was great. I’m looking forward to the next one

  • pedro sun says:

    thanks for this podcast as I don’t think any other podcast lays down a foundation of what to look for in science, or just critically think about why a person does what he/she does. I’ll be listening for sure and I think this is going to be my new favorite podcast for sure 😉 Oh yea, are you still going to do “calling out the gurus” on your youtube page? I thought that was great and I’m sharing that on my FB page!

    Pedro Sun CSCS
    BS in Nutrition

  • Sowrong Fitness says:

    Loving your podcast. I LOL every time you guys say you will keep it under an hour. How can 2 guys that have so much knowledge and get off subject so much, ever do that! It’s an art as much as science being able to self monitor yourselves.
    My guess is the “breathing” episode will take 2 hours at a minumum. You both have mastered the art of speaking without a breath- so you are already authorities!
    Regarless of how long they take- I will listen on! Even if I get tired head each time.

    Happy New Year.

  • Carlos Arenas says:

    Thank you Bret. This was awesome. You are doing great Bret, as always. Please keep going.

  • Great podcast guys.

    On topic with what you discussed have you both seen the following website?

    I tell my students about the topics from week one and refer them to this for quick reference.

    • Bret says:

      Thanks James – yes I use that too (linked in once upon a time in a blogpost).

      Very ironic – I was just on your site the other day.

      Loved the intensity article you published, and great thoughts about the recent isolation article.

      Keep up the great work!

  • Pixie says:

    Are you the same Brett Steele who runs/ran


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