Hi Brett
Great article (as always). The FMS is an interesting creature. I have been SFMA and FMS trained since 2006 and used it since this time with variable results. In clinic, both have their uses yet in no way would I ever rely on either to determine a patients cause of effect.
The validity of the sum scores (the ability of a test to predict if something will occur) is questionable at best in my opinion and it appears to be supported in the literature. I do however think it is useful in determining movement patterns and helping to correct these. Will this solve injury problems – I don’t think we really know. Combined with other tests (single leg squat, hop tests, mobility screens, running analysis, whatever is appropriate to the individual) then perhaps we can limit the chance of injury or re-injury but I don’t think ultimately we can eliminate it. I have spoken to Gray several times about this and as he rightly pointed out – at least they are attempting to quantify movement and patterns. We, or certainly I cannot knock them for that. I do think it will evolve further and become further refined (at least I hope so).
Hopefully more research will be completed to add to the limited knowledge we have and perhaps as you elude to we will find a population that some or all the tests are valid for.
I would be interested to know if you use it with your clients? Or do you just teach them the movements you want to train? One thing I do find useful is when referring to a trainer and being able to discuss patterns with ease by numbers and knowing in confidence that the trainer understands movement patterns. This at least is one concern I do not have to worry about when referring patients on.
Scott, excellent thoughts my friend. I don’t use the FMS, though I’m FMS certified. I think it’s a great tool for new trainers, but I think that most advanced trainers will eventually move past it (it’s useful in the evolution of a personal trainer, if that makes sense). Now I just look at the clients’ form with each movement and try to improve upon each exercise, though if there was some glaring issue I’d obviously look deeper by examining joint mobility, etc. I agree with you with regards to referrals – it’s important to know that the trainer you’re referring people to adequately understands movement patterns and degrees of competency. I could write an entire blogpost on my thoughts regarding the strengths and limitations of the FMS, maybe one day I’ll do so. Thanks for the kind words! BC
Hi Brett
Great article (as always). The FMS is an interesting creature. I have been SFMA and FMS trained since 2006 and used it since this time with variable results. In clinic, both have their uses yet in no way would I ever rely on either to determine a patients cause of effect.
The validity of the sum scores (the ability of a test to predict if something will occur) is questionable at best in my opinion and it appears to be supported in the literature. I do however think it is useful in determining movement patterns and helping to correct these. Will this solve injury problems – I don’t think we really know. Combined with other tests (single leg squat, hop tests, mobility screens, running analysis, whatever is appropriate to the individual) then perhaps we can limit the chance of injury or re-injury but I don’t think ultimately we can eliminate it. I have spoken to Gray several times about this and as he rightly pointed out – at least they are attempting to quantify movement and patterns. We, or certainly I cannot knock them for that. I do think it will evolve further and become further refined (at least I hope so).
Hopefully more research will be completed to add to the limited knowledge we have and perhaps as you elude to we will find a population that some or all the tests are valid for.
I would be interested to know if you use it with your clients? Or do you just teach them the movements you want to train? One thing I do find useful is when referring to a trainer and being able to discuss patterns with ease by numbers and knowing in confidence that the trainer understands movement patterns. This at least is one concern I do not have to worry about when referring patients on.
Cheers and keep up the great blogging.
Scott, excellent thoughts my friend. I don’t use the FMS, though I’m FMS certified. I think it’s a great tool for new trainers, but I think that most advanced trainers will eventually move past it (it’s useful in the evolution of a personal trainer, if that makes sense). Now I just look at the clients’ form with each movement and try to improve upon each exercise, though if there was some glaring issue I’d obviously look deeper by examining joint mobility, etc. I agree with you with regards to referrals – it’s important to know that the trainer you’re referring people to adequately understands movement patterns and degrees of competency. I could write an entire blogpost on my thoughts regarding the strengths and limitations of the FMS, maybe one day I’ll do so. Thanks for the kind words! BC
He bret,
do you know which elite athletes where looked at ? football, soccer, basketball, volleyball etc ?
Greetings Kevin, from holland