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Hip Extensor Training: Scientific Hypertrophy of the Posterior Chain

By April 30, 2013January 11th, 2014Products

Five months ago, my colleague Chris Beardsley and I released Hip Extension Torque: The Scientific Guide to the Posterior Chain. Hip Extension Torque was very well received among lifters, athletes, coaches, physical therapists, sports scientists, and researchers, and it covered a ton of biomechanical material, mostly focusing on torque calculations (297 pages).

Since then, we’ve been working diligently on the companion to this product, and we finally completed it. Essentially, we reviewed every relevant gluteal EMG and hamstrings EMG study that we could get our hands on (probably over 300 in total). We are proud to announce the release of Hip Extension Training: Scientific Hypertrophy of the Posterior Chain. Hip Extension Training is 315 pages of charts, graphs, and images that will help you understand the workings of the gluteals and hamstrings.


This month, Hip Extension Training will be $39.95, after which it will increase to $49.95.

In Chapter 5, I’ve included data regarding my most recent EMG experiments which I’ve conducted on myself, my girlfriend Diana, and my colleagues Kellie Davis and Marianne Kane. Very intriguing information that sheds light on:

1. The best MVC positions for the glutes
2. How glute EMG is affected with heavier kettlebell swings
3. How posterior pelvic tilting affects glute activation
4. How altering body position affects glute activation during various movements
5. The best heavy isometric positions for glute EMG
6. The best heavy dynamic exercises for glute EMG

Click HERE for the link to buy now.

Below is the table of contents in case you’re interested.

1. What principal actions do the hamstrings perform?

1.Which are the hamstrings muscles?
2.What principal actions do the hamstrings perform?
3.What is the action of hip extension?
4.What is the action of knee flexion?
5.Which of the hamstrings perform each of these actions?

2. What is the anatomy and architecture of the hamstrings?

1.How can we subdivide the hamstrings muscles?
2.What are the origins and insertions of the hamstrings?
3.What is the muscular weight of each of the hamstrings?
4.What is the muscular volume of each of the hamstrings?
5.What is the muscle fiber type of the hamstrings?
6.What are the sizes and relative weights of the medial and lateral hamstrings?
7.What is the physiological cross-sectional area of the hamstrings?
8.What is the normalized fiber length of the hamstrings?
9.What is the pennation angle of the hamstrings?
10. What is the pennation arrangement of the hamstrings?
11.Why do the hamstrings have different architecture from each other?
12.Does the “hamstrings” part of the adductor magnus exist?
13.How does the muscle architecture of the hamstrings change with joint angle?
14.What is the architecture of the different regions of the hamstrings?
15.How can we summarize the anatomy of the hamstrings muscles?
16.How can we summarize how hamstrings anatomy affects training principles?

3. Why are hamstring length and flexibility important?

1.How can we increase the flexibility of the hamstrings?
2.What happens when we stretch the hamstrings?
3.How often do we need to stretch the hamstrings?
4.What happens when we perform eccentric exercise with the hamstrings?
5.How do stretching and eccentric exercise of the hamstrings differ?
6.Does the type of eccentric exercise of the hamstrings matter?
7.Does hamstring flexibility affect pelvic tilt when standing?

4. How do the hamstrings function during sprinting?

1.What is the pattern of hamstring muscle activity in running?
2.Does hamstring muscle activity differ during overground and treadmill running?
3.How does hamstrings activity change with increasing running speed?
4.How does hamstring activity change with increasing fatigue?
5.What is the pattern of hamstring activity in sprinting?
6.Does sprinting use both medial and lateral hamstrings equally?
7.Can gluteal strengthening reduce hamstring activation?

5. What do we know about hamstring injury?

1.What is the incidence of hamstring strain injury?
2.What is the incidence of recurrent hamstring strain injury?
3.What causes hamstring strain injury?
4.Are there two different causes of hamstring strain injury?
5.Which hamstring muscles are most frequently strained?
6.How might the architecture of the hamstrings influence their risk of strains?
7.How could changes in hamstring length during sprinting affect risk of strains?
8.How might the moment arm length of the hamstrings influence the risk of strains?
9.What do we know about the length of the hamstrings in running?
10.When are the hamstrings at greatest risk of injury during sprinting?
11.Is weakness correlated with increased risk of hamstring strain injury?
12.How can hamstring strain injury incidence be reduced?
13.What is the approach for graduating exercises during hamstring rehabilitation?

6. Which dynamometer positions produce the greatest hamstring EMG activity?

1.At what hip angle is hamstring activity highest and lowest?
2.At what knee angle is hamstring activity highest and lowest?
3.Which combined hip and knee movements lead to greatest activity?
4.How can we summarize the conditions that lead to maximum EMG activity?

7. Which exercises produce the greatest hamstring EMG activity?

1.Which are the best exercises for activating the hamstrings?
2.Are split squats better than back squats for activating the hamstrings?
3.Why is the back squat not a good exercise for the hamstrings?
4.Is the wide-stance back squat a better exercise for the hamstrings?
5.Does hamstrings activity increase with increasing load during squats?
6.Does squat depth affect the activity of the hamstrings?
7.Does how far the lifter “sits back” in a squat affect hamstrings activity?
8.Do lunges produce a high level of activity in the hamstrings?
9.Are kettlebell swings or strongman exercises good for the hamstrings?
10.Does hip flexion reduce hamstring activation during horizontal back extensions?
11.How does pelvic restraint affect hamstring activity?
12.Are the medial and lateral hamstrings activated by different exercises?
13.Which exercises preferentially recruit the medial and lateral hamstrings?
14.Does the leg curl activate medial and lateral hamstrings equally?
15.Why do eccentric leg curls preferentially recruit the semitendinosus?
16.Do step-up exercises activate the lateral more than the medial hamstrings?
17.Does the razor curl activate the medial more than the lateral hamstrings?
18.Are there differences in activity between the sumo and conventional deadlifts?
19.Does hip rotation angle affect medial-to-lateral hamstrings activation ratio?
20.Do exercises display different levels of activity at different joint angles?
21.How can we summarize the exercises that best activate the hamstrings?

8. Which exercises produce the greatest hamstring activity according to N=1?

1.N = 1, EMG activity of the Biceps Femoris
2.Summary of N = 1, EMG activity of the Biceps Femoris
3.Differences between research and N=1

9. What principles inform an optimal hamstring hypertrophy program?

1.What are the key points that influence hamstring hypertrophy?
2.How can we summarize how hamstrings anatomy affects training principles?
3.How can we summarize how dynamometer research affects training principles?
4.How can we summarize the exercises that best activate the hamstrings?
5.What features does a hamstring hypertrophy program have?

10. What is the anatomy and architecture of the gluteals?

1.Which muscles are the gluteal muscles?
2.What are the origins and insertions of the gluteals?
3.How is the human gluteus maximus different from that of other apes?
4.How did the human gluteals evolve to become so different?
5.How heavy are the gluteals in comparison with other leg muscles?
6.How large are the gluteals in comparison with other leg muscles?
7.How does gluteal muscle size differ between males and females?
8.How long are the gluteal muscle fibers in comparison with other leg muscles?
9.How pennate are the gluteal fibers in comparison with other leg muscles?
10.What is the predominant fiber type of the gluteals?
11.How do the moment arms of the gluteals compare to other hip muscles?
12.How do the moment arms of the gluteals change with hip flexion?
13.What is the architecture of the different regions of the gluteus maximus?
14.What is the architecture of the different regions of the gluteus medius?
15.How can we summarize how gluteal anatomy affects training principles?
16.What pathologies can arise because of gluteus maximus weakness?
17.What pathologies can arise because of gluteus medius weakness?

11. Which exercises produce the greatest gluteus medius EMG activity?

1.What do reviews say about the best exercises for activating the gluteus medius?
2.Which exercises create the greatest gluteus medius EMG activity?
3.Does knee valgus affect gluteus medius activity in single-leg actions?
4.Are there sex differences in gluteus medius activation during exercises?
5.Which step-up leads to the greatest gluteus medius EMG activity?
6.How do pelvic and hip angles affect gluteus medius EMG activity during clams?
7.Which exercises create the greatest gluteus medius EMG activity?
8.How is gluteus medius EMG activity related to PFPS?
9.Does sled dragging activate the gluteus medius more with heavier loads?
10.Does band walking activate the gluteus medius more with heavier loads?
11.Does loading cause greater activity of the gluteus medius in lateral movements?
12.In which leg is gluteal activity higher during lateral band walking?
13.Does band placement affect gluteus medius activity in band walks?
14.How do walking and running affect gluteus medius EMG activity?
15.How can the gluteus medius be activated with limited hip flexor involvement?
16.How can the gluteus medius be activated with limited TFL involvement?
17.Are the different regions of the gluteus medius activated by different exercises?
18.How can we summarize the exercises that best activate the gluteus medius?

12. What principles inform an optimal gluteus medius hypertrophy program?

1.What are the key points that influence gluteal hypertrophy?
2.How can we summarize how gluteus medius anatomy affects training principles?
3.What does resistance exercise research tell us about gluteus medius training?

13. Which joint angle positions produce the greatest gluteus maximus activity?

1.Does hip flexion angle affect gluteus maximus activity during hip extension?
2.Does hip abduction angle affect gluteus maximus activity during hip extension?
3.Does knee flexion angle affect gluteus maximus activity during hip extension?
4.Does knee extension reduce gluteus maximus activity during hip extension?
5.How does pelvic tilt angle affect gluteal activity?
6.How can we summarize how joint angle research affects training principles?

14. Which exercises produce the greatest gluteus maximus EMG activity?

1.What do reviewers say about the best exercises for activating the gluteus maximus?
2.Which type of step-up is best for gluteus maximus activation?
3.Does the step-up produce more gluteus maximus activity than the single-leg squat?
4.Does the lunge produce more gluteus maximus activity than the step-up?
5.Does elastic resistance activate the gluteus maximus similarly to dumbbells?
6.Does knee valgus affect gluteal activity in single-leg actions?
7.Which exercises create the greatest gluteus maximus EMG activity?
8.Does the clam really produce significant gluteus maximus activity?
9.How do pelvic and hip angles affect gluteus maximus EMG activity during clams?
10.How do gluteus maximus and quadriceps activity compare in the back squat?
11.Does stance width affect gluteus maximus activity in the back squat?
12.Does depth affect gluteus maximus activity in the back squat?
13.Does gluteal activity increase with increasing load during squats?
14.Does gluteal activity increase with increasing speed during squats?
15.Does how far the lifter “sits back” in a squat affect gluteal activity?
16.Does the split squat produce more gluteus maximus activity than the squat?
17.Is gluteal activity different during sumo and conventional deadlifts?
18.How does gluteus maximus activity alter with machine settings?
19.Does cadence affect gluteal activity when stair-stepping?
20.How does pelvic restraint affect gluteal activity?
21.Are there sex differences in gluteus maximus activation during exercises?
22.Are there sex differences in gluteus maximus activation during gait?
23.Does sled pulling activate the gluteals more with heavier loads?
24.Does band walking activate the gluteals more with heavier loads?
25.Do lateral movements activate the gluteals more with heavier loads?
26.In which leg is gluteal activity higher during lateral band walking?
27.Does band placement affect gluteus maximus activity in band walks?
28.How do the gluteals activate during asymmetric load lifts?
29.How does load affect gluteal activity during back extensions?
30.How does external rotation affect gluteal activity during back extensions?
31.Does abdominal activity during prone hip extension increase gluteal activity?
32.Is the activity of the gluteus maximus delayed during prone hip extension?
33.Do delayed onset times in gluteus maximus activation relate to injury?
34.Are there connections between gluteus maximus activity and injury?
35.How can we summarize the exercises that best activate the gluteus maximus?

15. Which exercises produce the greatest gluteus maximus activity according to N=1?

1.N = 1, EMG activity of the Gluteus Maximus (Bret)
2.N = 1, EMG activity of the Gluteus Maximus (Bret and Diana)
3.N = 1, EMG activity of the Gluteus Maximus (Kellie)
4.N = 1, EMG activity of the Gluteus Maximus (Marianne)
5.Differences between N=1 and research

16. What principles inform an optimal gluteus maximus hypertrophy program?

1.What are the key points that influence gluteal hypertrophy?
2.How can we summarize how gluteal anatomy affects training principles?
3.What does joint angle research tell us about gluteus maximus training?
4.What does resistance exercise research tell us about gluteus maximus training?
5.What does Bret’s (N=1) research tell us about gluteus maximus training?
6.So what features does a gluteus maximus hypertrophy program have?

17. Should we perform gluteal activation and cueing?

1.What research has been performed on external focus?
2.What research has been performed on internal focus?
3.Can internal cues affect gluteal activation during exercises?
4.Can gluteal activation affect vertical jump performance?
5.Can gluteal strengthening reduce hamstring activation?


Again, click HERE to buy now.


  • Tom Schibler says:

    That’s all?

    Wow, seriously, what a thorough treatment of the subject. I admire your dedication.

  • Joy says:

    Bought! Thanks Bret and Chris for putting this info out.

  • Colin says:


    Does this new work make your previous Glute ebook (Advanced Techniques…) redundant?

    • Bret says:

      Hi Colin, no it doesn’t. My glute eBook laid down the foundation for everything (the categorization system, all of the EMG experiments, the pictures, etc.). Everything now just builds on it. This new book is more technical and is more for the scientifically inclined, whereas my glute eBook is somewhat easier to follow. And for folks who don’t like the science, Strong Curves is best. For the scientifically inclined, I like Hip Extension Torque and Hip Extensor Training together as you really need to understand torque-angle curves in order to understand exercise and how it relates to EMG. Regards, BC

  • ggs says:

    I like the science and knowledge you gain and then you share with us who are not so inclined…. I decided just to stick with the program I started with Gorgeous Glutes and go on from there…Have fun at the summit..

  • John says:

    Trying to correct some lordosis & am trying to figure out which of your products would be best. Can you give me your recommendation? Probably from tight hip flexors , shortened Psoas & weak glutes.

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