Is it me or is the strength-training industry getting more badass? Here are a bunch of good reads from the past couple of weeks. There is so much good stuff in here it could turn Pee Wee Herman into Ronnie Coleman overnight! Here are 127 links for which you’d better be grateful – I spent 7 hours on this blog tonight!
Bret Contreras Articles
1. Bret Contreras – Leg Press vs. Squat: The Final Chapter
2. Bret Contreras – Best Three Exercises for the Three Powerlifts
3. Quick Four-Question Interview With Bret Contreras on Hank Ebeling’s Site
Article of the Week
4. Tony Gentilcore – Excelling at the Big Lifts
New Blogs
6. Patrick Arnold just started up his own blog. You may know him as the Father of Prohormones and the Creator of “The Clear.” Anabolic steroids aren’t my thing but I don’t judge.
7. Mladen Jovanovic just started up his own blog. This guy is crazy smart and is an excellent resource to the strength and conditioning profession. He may in fact be one of the smartest guys in the biz. I definitely recommend that you read his stuff!
8. You Gotta Love a Guy Who Calls Himself Peter “Fucking” Baker and has a Blog Entitled “Death Metal and Deadlifting.” If you enjoy profanity like me, then check out this site. This guy’s as ruthless as they come!
Great Reads/Views for the Week
9. Charlie Weingroff on the T4TG Vertical Core Seminar
10. Spicy Chicas! I found this pic and thought my readers would like it.
11. Mr. Olympia highlight reel
12. Core Performance Stability Ball Leg Curl – two legs up, one leg down
13. Three New Methods for Size and Strength by Jimmy Smith
14. Mike T. Nelson on pain and how to fix it
15. Charlie Weingroff on the Core Pendulum Theory
16. Mike T. Nelson with an awesome story on Monkeys and Bananas
17. Unconventional Shoulder Workout by Nick Tumminello
19. The Arnold Sports Festival is coming up soon!
20. Ideas for Band Training in Physical Education Classes
21. Interview With Kelly Baggett on Eric Cressey’s Site (I’m a Huge Fan of Kelly)
22. Carson Boddicker provides some links to audio podcasts for your listening pleasure
23. Ben Bruno busts out 30 pistol squats in this blog
24. Smitty speaks from the heart about haters in this vid
25. Top Ten Mike Robertson Articles by Chris Beardsley
26. Function by Craig Liebenson
27. Guest Blog by Arizona Diamondback’s Nathan Shaw on Matt Johnson’s Blog
28. Rest Periods by Joe Hashey
29. Eric Moss on Toning Your Muscles (Do the Opposite)
30. Leigh Peele Repeats Herself
31. Ben Bruno on Dealing With Injuries (This is a Great Read)
32. Great Random Tips by Nia Shanks
33. I don’t even know who this person is or where their facility is, but I freakin’ love watching video compilations like these. It makes me feel good to know that out there in the world people are training hard.
34. Freakin’ Hilarious Post by Tony Gentilcore – Exercises You Should Do – This One is for the Hips
35. Grip Training by Kevlar (Kevin Larabee)
36. Chris Beardsley on Macronutrient Digestion
37. Jamie Eason – Aye Caramba!
38. Pavel Tsatsouline Seminar at Franz Snideman’s Place in LaJolla, California this Saturday
39. It’s Not the Tools, it’s the Process! by Jeff Cubos
40. Quick and Healthy Burger by Keats Snideman
41. Mike Tyson Knockouts
42. Planning Strength Training Part I, II, and III by Mladen Jovanovic
43. Charlie Weingroff with an Excellent Analogy – Slingshots!
44. Roger Law on Calorie Counting, Digital Food Scales, Nuts, and More
45. Wednesday Randomness by Eric Cressey
46. What the Heck is Periodization Anyway by Mladen Jovanovic
47. Skill acquisition
48. Great Links by Chris Beardsley
49. Awesome Read by Charlie Weingroff on the Vertical Tibia
50. Patrick Ward on Assessments – Proactive or Reactive
51. Mark Young – Stuff You May Have Missed
52. Mike Robertson – Coaching Cues Comment Contest
53. Article (Paysite) – Gray Cook on Corrective Exercises in the Warm-up
54. Another Article – Damn Detours by Gray Cook
55. StrengthCoach Podcast with Tim Skwiat
56. Article – Mike Boyle on Improving Foot Speed and Agility
57. StrengthCoach Podcast with Kevin Larrabee
58. Robbie Bourke interviews Mladen Jovanovic
59. Roger Law – Today was a Good Day
60. How to be an awesome coach by Brendon Rearick
61. Great recap of Patrick Ward’s Meeting with Joe Kenn
62. Mike Reinhold on Risk Factors Associated with Loss of ROM Following ACL Reconstruction
63. Mike Arone on the 3 P’s
65. Why McDonalds Food doesn’t Decay
66. Jason Ferruggia – Injury Update and Resisting Being Average
67. Carson Boddicker on Runner’s Hernia Considerations
68. Ben Bruno Interviews Harry Selkow
69. Stuart McGill is now Working with this Poor Walrus who Herniated his Discs After this Cruel Trainer Put Him Through a Lousy Workout and Jacked Him Up Real Good 🙂
70. Why Does Spicy Food Taste Hot?
71. Great Wannabebig Article on DC Training
72. John Izzo on Trainer Prerequisites to Respect
73. Bas Rutten
74. Tony Gentilcore – Exercises You Should be Doing
75. Nutritional Tips from Tony Gentilcore
76. Top Ten Nick Tumminello Articles by Chris Beardsley
77. Nia Shanks on Training for Strength, not Just Fat Loss
78. John Paul Catanzaro Dispelling Core Myths
79. Six Lies About Food Busted!
80. Michael Boykin – Lessons from the Field
81. Mike Robertson on Being Realistic with Program Design
82. Hannibal for King!
83. Franz Snideman Breaking Down the Swing Part II
84. Metabolic Training Gone Bad by PJ Striet
85. Are We Afraid of Cardio? by Patrick Ward
86. Don’t Follow Weird Celebrity Trends and Diets
87. Upper-Crossed Postural Syndrome by Mike Scott
88. Lost in Translation by Patrick Ward
89. Great Read by Mark Young on The Lack of Power of Exercise on Weight Loss
90. Eat-Stop-Eat Expanded Edition Review by Martin Berkhan
91. No One Conditions Alone by Kevin Neeld – this is really cool!
92. Kevin Larrabee makes three healthy changes
93. Farmer’s Handle Rows by Ben Bruno
95. Jeff Cubos on the Short Foot
96. What’s New by Vern Gambetta
97. Top Five Exercise Journals
98. Bryan Chung on Pomegranate Juice
99. The Truth About the Spartan 300 Workout by Eric Moss
100. Fast Conditioning With Kettlebells and Chains by Diesel Crew
101. Football Conditioning the Right Way with Joe DeFranco
102. Barbell Hang Clean by Core Performance
103. Five Ways to Stay Motivated by Mike Robertson
104. How to Look Better than 90% of Dudes by PJ Striet
105. Excellent Blog by Patrick Ward on Hamstrings and Soft-Tissue Treatment
106. Window of Adaptation Concept by Vern Gambetta
107. Straight Leg Bridge by Core Performance
108. Stuff to Read by Tony Gentilcore
109. Brian Cushing 64 inch Hurdle Jump
110. Spinal Stupidity by Mike Robertson
111. It All Depends on the Context by Mladen Jovanovic
112. Great Keats Snideman blog on Assessment and Self-Massage for the Hip Flexors!
113. Why am I so Tired?
114. Three Common Dieting Mistakes by Ben Bruno
115. Redirecting Plyometric Progressions by Joe Bonyai – I love Joe’s videos!!!
116. Elitefts – the Dead Bench
117. Robbie Bourke – Weekend with Leon Chaitow
118. Mr. Olympia Highlight Reel
119. I Love this quote – “70’s Big.” They Sure Looked Huge Back Then!
120. Index of Articles Referenced in Alan Aragon’s Research Review Service
121. Two New Vids by Ben Bruno
122. Are you a Lateral Movement Weakling?
123. Resist Injury by Carson Boddicker
124. Categories of Weight Training by Lyle McDonald Part I and Part II
‘Mike Tyson Knockouts’ not in the top 10????
Great stuff Bret—keep em comin, they keep me up to speed.
Honored to be mentioned on your list Brett since I frequently read up on your site for glute exercises!
This list will keep me busy reading all morning, thanks.
Hahaha WTF? 127 links??? You are a FREAK! Love it tho 😀
BC 128
Wow! I love Zuzana.
Who doesn’t?
I look forward to “Good reads” every Friday. Thanks for all the great info!
Thanks again for the shout out Bret! Much appreciated as always!
For #70, I thought I was the only geeky that knew it was the VR1 in the tongue–duh! ha! That was one of those weird neuroscience things that always stuck in my head.
Are you going to the Arnold this coming year? Any update on where you will be? I will be presenting at the ISSN in June 2010 and hoping to hit up the Experimental Biology Conference in April 2011. Maybe I will see you at one of those. ISSN is in Vegas!!
Rock on
Mike T Nelson PhD(c)
Mike, I’m not sure. I’d love to go, but I haven’t decided yet. I should do it. I’ll keep you posted. Not sure about other seminars I’ll be attending, but I really like the NSCA. I know some coaches have issues with them but I really want to start supporting the NSCA and becoming more involved.
Wait, now what happens if I make a list of things to read on my blog, linking to your list of things to read? What then Bret? Can the universe handle that type of backlinking?
PS – I forgive you for wearing ed hardy shirts – but only you.
Leigh, don’t go there! If we cross-link our blogs it will send people to Jon Fass’s blog and they’ll end up reading outdated topics from 1997. Next thing you know leotards and MC Hammer pants will come back in style, as will jazzersize. My friends hate on me all the time for my Ed Hardy shirts, but I always tell them that my 25% Mexican heritage earns me the right! Hope to one day meet you Leigh.
You make it sound like a bad thing if leotards, Hammer pants, and jazzersize came back 😉
Thanks for the shout out, Bret. You’re quite a knowledgeable guy with a lot of time on your hands.
Thanks for the hard work. I really love reading this post. Appreciate the effort.
Mr Contreras,
Due to a change of work environment, I can only lift during the weekends. I am still a novice lifter (Wilks 230). Until now I’ve been on a well-known 3×5, 3x week beginner program.
What should I do to maximize the returns on my training? Still continue training 2x a week on 3×5 (friday & sunday), and just do some hotel-room cardio during the week? (pushups, burpees, chins, glute bridges)?
Or perhaps do higher intensity for more sets during those days (5×3)?
My goal is power, I want to become stronger.
7 hours…whoa. I timed myself for blogging and it was an hour and a half and thought that was a little too long (enter that’s what she said joke)
awesome job on these posts btw
OMG #82…. kills me!!! “this shit IS bananas” at the 3:00 point- love it!
Thanks for all the good resources.
Bas Rutten knows how to fight, but his philosophy needs a counter-view.
Can I recommend people have a look at Tim Larkin. He argues that there are two types of violence – antisocial violence (someone is eager to fight or humiliate you) and asocial violence (someone is committed to killing you).
1. Always avoid the former – people get killed hitting their heads on the floor, etc. fighting for stupid reasons (see Bas’s example of someone insulting his wife). It’s also an easy way to end up in jail where you may well encounter asocial violence.
2. Always go all the way in the latter (otherwise you will be killed).
Steve – thanks for the wisdom. Did you ever listen to Bas when he was a commentator for Pride? He hosts Inside MMA too. He’s hilarious and sounds like a genuine good guy. Of course, this video makes him seem like he belongs in a cage.