Paulo Gentil is a Brazilian research professor with more retractions than any sports scientist. He falsifies studies and promotes pseudoscience. The people of Brazil deserve to know the truth about Paulo Gentil. Apparently, he’s been trying to intimidate Brazilian scientists who speak up against him by threatening to sue them. He can’t cover this up forever. Here are some links to check out:
My Debate Challenge to Paulo Gentil (He Backed Down): July 28, 2015
Paulo’s Fake Squat vs. Hip Thrust Study: Jan 23, 2020
My Critique of Paulo’s Fake Study: Feb 07, 2020
White Paper Scrutinizing 9 Gentil Studies: July 19, 2020
Blogpost Explaining the White Paper: July 19, 2020
Retraction Article: Dec 17, 2021
How to Estimate Torque Requirements in a Hip Thrust: July 10, 2022
Paulo’s Fabricated Hip Extension Torque Analysis: Feb 23, 2023
My Short Video Exposing Paulo on IG: March 8, 2023
How is Paulo Gentil still a research professor? And why do people still take him seriously? And why will he do anything in his power – even falsify studies and fabricate pseudophysics – to try to discredit the hip thrust? He’s utterly obsessed. So bizarre!